Magento – Magento on Local Host won’t show any image or CSS files


I am running a copy of Magento on my localhost so that I can make changes without affecting the live site. I have imported a database which was backed up from the 'live' site and have changed the web/secure/base_url and web/unsecure/base_url to http://localhost/magento/ and I am able to see my database BUT I can't see any of the skins, image files etc. I know this is linked to the database because if I change the DB credentials in local.xml to a different database it loads everything perfectly. Problem though is that I need this database.

Any ideas?

I have also tried 'http://localhost:8888/magento/index.php/' to be more precise and see if that works, but it didn't. I've spent hours trying to get this up and running and am so close!

Best Answer

ANSWER: I had to update the media_url and skin_url in the back database with http://localhost:8888/magento/skin etc

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