Magento – Magento on LocalHost – Links Not Working


Eugh, i'm honestly banging my ahead against the brick wall with this.

I have my Magento site hosted on the localhost so that I can make changes without affecting the live site. Everything works perfectly EXCEPT none of the links seem to be working. If I click anything on the site, nothing even attempts to load.

Backend loads fine, but the frontend links won't work at all.

Any ideas? Pleaaaaase.

UPDATE: My unsecure site Base URL shows:
My secure site Base URL shows the same:

I access the frontend of my store by visiting: or
And I access the bankend of my store by visitng:

Best Answer

Alan Kent posted a great article recently on Magento 2 behavior similar to what you describe that linked to this Stack Overflow discussion, but the key concepts are relevant to 1.X as well since it's more generally about cookie implementation logic not specific to Magento's codebase.

In short, the fundamental implementation of cookie handling logic has some requirements included within it to check for the presence of certain attributes of a domain name:

I broadly agree with @Ralph Buchfelder, but here's some amplification of this, by experiment when trying to replicate a system with several subdomains (such as,, on my local machine (OS X / Apache / Chrome|Firefox).

I've edited /etc/hosts to point some imaginary subdomains at If I am working on and I leave the domain parameter out, the cookie is stored correctly for, but is not visible in the other subdomains.

If I use a domain of "", the cookie is stored correctly for, and is visible in other subdomains.

If I use a domain of "", or when I was trying a domain of just "localexample" or "localhost", the cookie was not getting stored.

If I use a domain of "" or "", the cookie is stored correctly for and is (correctly) invisible in other subdomains.

So the requirement that you need at least two dots in the domain appears to be correct, even though I can't see why it should be.

Thus, the best way to configure your local development environment to make sure you see behavior similar to your live environments is to update your hosts file to map a domain, any domain, to your local system, as long as it has a format of

xxx.yyy.zzz <- includes two 'dots' in the domain name

We've adopted a process of adding something like the following for sites we develop to our hosts file to make sure we don't have to fight with this kind of problem:

After doing this, the odd behavior you describe no longer happens in our dev environments and we can get back to coding :)

You may still need to perform one of these two approaches to troubleshoot this kind of issue to make sure you create the correct local host entry in your hosts file:

  1. If you have a (your_database_system) client that can connect to the database you're using, open it and run the following query:

    select * from core_config_data where path like '%base%url%';

    On my mySQL system I can open up MySQL Workbench and see something like the following:

MySQL Workbench Client querying the Magento Database

  1. Since you can also login to your Magento Admin back-end, you can also try browsing to the following menu option:

    System -> Configuration -> Web which should display the following page.

    Expand the Unsecure and Secure accordions and you should look for the fields marked Unsecure : Base URL and Secure : Base URL :

Magento Admin : Menu > System > Configuration > Web > Secure Base URL & Unsecure Base URL

Add what you see in the Unsecure : Base URL and Secure : Base URL fields along with the URL your browser is displaying when you access the back-end and front end in the comments and we can figure out what's happening and a way to restore your functionality: