Magento on XAMPP Cannot Send Emails – SMTP Configuration Issue


Anyone can help me set it up so that I can send order emails?

I have already tried configuring an extension SMTP Pro with my gmail account and the test works, but when I try sending an order email, it just notifies me that its already sent. but I don't receive any emails.

Best Answer

You can send email from localhost with minimum configuration.

Please check below steps to send an email from localhost.

In the sendmail.ini file (C:\xampp\sendmail\sendmail.ini), make the following changes:
smtp_port=587 (some recommend using smtp_port=25 but for me 587 worked)

Next, make the following change in your php.ini (C:\xampp\php\php.ini) file:

sendmail_path = “\”C:\xampp\sendmail\sendmail.exe\” -t”

t's very easy to configure php.ini for sending e-mails from your server.You just need to configure php.ini and sendmail.ini correctly.

First you have to configure sendmail_path in your php.ini file it should have to point to executable sendmail file with proper flags

for example , ;sendmail_path = "\"C:\xampp\sendmail\sendmail.exe\" -t" (which is already in your php.ini file need to just remove comment) and other assignments to sendmail_path need to be commented.

after configuring php.ini file you need to configure sendmail.ini file ,in that

first (as you want to use gmail as smtp server), second smtp_port=465 (if not worked try 587), third auth_username= auth_password=yourpassword

after this restart your server.

I hope this will help you.

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