Magento Ordered Item Status is MIXED – How to Resolve


All of Magento order is showing Mixed status in backend. Although the ordered items are shipped, As you can see in the below screenshot.

enter image description here

***What does the 'MIXED' word means here ?***

I found this line of code in Core magento file.

Line 197: app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Order/Item.php

const STATUS_PENDING        = 1; // No items shipped, invoiced, canceled, refunded nor backordered
const STATUS_SHIPPED        = 2; // When qty ordered - [qty canceled + qty returned] = qty shipped
const STATUS_INVOICED       = 9; // When qty ordered - [qty canceled + qty returned] = qty invoiced
const STATUS_BACKORDERED    = 3; // When qty ordered - [qty canceled + qty returned] = qty backordered
const STATUS_CANCELED       = 5; // When qty ordered = qty canceled
const STATUS_PARTIAL        = 6; // If [qty shipped or(max of two) qty invoiced + qty canceled + qty returned]
                                 // < qty ordered
const STATUS_MIXED          = 7; // All other combinations
const STATUS_REFUNDED       = 8; // When qty ordered = qty refunded

const STATUS_RETURNED       = 4; // When qty ordered = qty returned // not used at the moment

I am not able to understand what i need to check. Can anyone help me in it please ?

Best Answer

I reckon it's because you have not invoiced yet.

Basically, the code that handles those item status looks like this:

if (!$invoiced && !$shipped && !$refunded && !$canceled && !$backordered) {
    return self::STATUS_PENDING;
if ($shipped && $invoiced && ($actuallyOrdered == $shipped)) {
    return self::STATUS_SHIPPED;

if ($invoiced && !$shipped && ($actuallyOrdered == $invoiced)) {
    return self::STATUS_INVOICED;

if ($backordered && ($actuallyOrdered == $backordered) ) {
    return self::STATUS_BACKORDERED;

if ($refunded && $ordered == $refunded) {
    return self::STATUS_REFUNDED;

if ($canceled && $ordered == $canceled) {
    return self::STATUS_CANCELED;

if (max($shipped, $invoiced) < $actuallyOrdered) {
    return self::STATUS_PARTIAL;

return self::STATUS_MIXED;

As you haven't invoiced yet, it returns mixed as Magento assumes that an order is invoiced before being shipped.

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