Magento – Magento PayPal Express Payment type order still authorizes


I am currently integrating my Magento website with an OMS system where the OMS system will be responsible for authing and charging card payments and PayPal payments.

I am having trouble with the PayPal side of things.

We are using PayPal Express, and for the integration to work, we need to perform a transaction type of Order, and let our OMS system then authorize and capture the payment.

I have set the Payment Action to Order within the PayPal Express configuration settings. However, when I place an order, an authorization transaction is placed immediately after the order transaction. I don’t want this to happen.

Is there any way to prevent the authorization taking place?

I am using Magento CE 1.8

Best Answer

Yes, core integration initiates an immediate authorization. In order to avoid this you will need to modify logic in app/code/core/Mage/Paypal/Model/Express.php , specifically method below:

public function order(Varien_Object $payment, $amount)

it performs authorization. Remove this logic. You will need to add extra action to the order that handles "Authorize" action, means will send the authorization to the PayPal that will allow to ship goods.

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