Magento – Magento PDF invoice totals


I have Magento web shop with prices on totals displaying both with included and excluded tax. On my cart and sales emails, the order of the totals is normal, like:
Product price Incl tax
Product price Excl tax
Shipping price Incl tax
Shipping price Ecl tax
Tax for shipping
Tax for product

Only on my PDF invoices, I have things unsorted, like.
Product price Incl tax
Product price Excl tax
Tax for shipping
Tax for product
Shipping price Incl tax
Shipping price Ecl tax

Is there a way to change order of the totals in PDF invoices and where?

Best Answer

You can find totals sort order here app/code/core/mage/sales/etc/config.xml under the node pdf.You need to override the config.xml.The link descibes how to do it.

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