Magento 1.9 – Fix Deleted Product Category Still Showing

category-productsfatal errormagento-1.9PHPurl-rewrite

enter image description here

I got this really annoying issue with Magento. I attempted to load all my items onto the store but had some bugs. In result, I deleted all my items but I am still showing 57 items in the Category Products and in the URL-Rewrites. I have deleted the categories and subcategories. I have cleared the cash and have re-indexed everything, but still nothing. I need help urgently!

In addition, after uploading and deleting everything I am now getting a FATAL ERROR message if I attempt to export the .csv.

Fatal error: Unsupported operand types in includes/src/Mage_ImportExport_Model_Export_Entity_Product.php on line 875

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Best Answer

It's not clear to me whether you have deleted those Products and categories through Admin Panel or, Database. But, first, try to disable Compilation from Magento Admin Panel -> System -> Tools -> Compilation -> Disable Then, clear your cache and try CSV upload again

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