Magento Enterprise – Product Save Fails When Adding Special Price


I am working in Magento Enterprise.

When I save a product without any special price, everything is working fine and products are saving from admin.

But when I add a special price, product save is not working. My page does not stop loading when I click save. It is not showing any error and I need to stop Apache to stop loading.

What's wrong with special price?

Best Answer

Third-Party Modules

Disable third-party modules that could possibly be interacting with products. Go to the app/etc/modules/ folder and one-by-one set the active node to false within the xml module configuration file, clear cache after each one is disabled, and attempt to save again.

Modified Core

If this doesn't work, then you need to check to see if any of the core has been modified. Check the app/code/local/Mage folder to see if any files exist.

Do a diff of the app/code/core/ directory to an original untouched Magento installation that matches the version you are on.

Check Browser POST/Response data

Also, when clicking to update the product, check your AJAX POST/Response. I use firefox with firebug to do this, but I heard Chrome has an awesome extension that is easy to use. In firebug, I click the console tab and I can expand GET and POST requests along with the Response.