Magento – Magento product stock alert cron job


I recently discovered my product stock alert e-mails aren't being sent. When I checked the cron_schedule table in my DB, I see the following:


Which basically tells me there hasn't been any execution of this job since november 2014. Since this is a (fairly large) live site, I'd like to double check a few things. Would it be safe for me to change the following:

from config.xml in this path: app\code\core\Mage\ProductAlert\etc



     <cron_expr>* * * * *</cron_expr>

Since there have been thousands of product stock alert subscribers since that date.. I'm not quite sure if it is safe to do so.

EDIT: As for right now I'm starting to wonder if this is in fact the problem. I've checked the product_alert_stock table and it tells me the last e-mail was sent on june 7th, which is also not correct but maybe this particular cron catalog_product_alert is no longer used for this execution. Does anybody know wether this is true or not?

Best Answer

Install the AOE Scheduler for Magento

It will show you if your cron setup is running properly and let you manually run cron jobs to test them. It is a very useful module for managing Magento cron tasks.

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