Magento Query – Get Category, Description, and Product URL


This query work ok:

    CONCAT(address.firstname,' ', address.lastname) AS Name, AS Email,
    items.created_at AS Date, AS Description,
    items.store_id AS Logon, AS Category,
    items.store_id AS FeedbackDate,              
    items.sku AS ProductSearchcode,
    items.order_id AS Orderref  

FROM sales_flat_order AS orders
    JOIN sales_flat_order_item AS items 
    ON items.order_id = orders.entity_id 
    LEFT JOIN sales_flat_order_address AS address
    ON orders.entity_id = address.parent_id

    items .created_at BETWEEN  '2014-04-15 00:00:00' AND '2014-07-30 00:00:00'
    AND orders.status = 'complete'

But, I also need to get item category, description and url to product?

Best Answer

The following should give you the values for the attributes description and url key plus the categories for each product attached to an order.

        CONCAT(address.firstname,' ',
        address.lastname) AS Name, AS Email,
        items.created_at AS Date,
        items.store_id AS Logon, AS Category,
        items.store_id AS FeedbackDate,              
        items.sku AS ProductSearchcode,
        items.order_id AS Orderref  ,
        IFNULL(store_prod_desc.value,main_prod_desc.value) as Description,
        IFNULL(store_prod_url.value,main_prod_url.value) as Url,

  FROM sales_flat_order AS orders
  JOIN sales_flat_order_item AS items 
  ON items.order_id = orders.entity_id 
  LEFT JOIN sales_flat_order_address AS address
  ON orders.entity_id = address.parent_id
  INNER JOIN catalog_product_entity_text as main_prod_desc
  ON items.product_id = main_prod_desc.entity_id AND main_prod_desc.attribute_id = 72 AND main_prod_desc.store_id = 0
  LEFT JOIN catalog_product_entity_text as store_prod_desc
  ON items.product_id = store_prod_desc.entity_id AND store_prod_desc.attribute_id = 72 AND store_prod_desc.store_id = orders.store_id
  INNER JOIN catalog_product_entity_varchar as main_prod_url
  ON items.product_id = main_prod_url.entity_id AND main_prod_url.attribute_id = 98 AND main_prod_url.store_id = 0
  LEFT JOIN catalog_product_entity_varchar as store_prod_url
  ON items.product_id = store_prod_url.entity_id AND store_prod_url.attribute_id = 98 AND store_prod_url.store_id = orders.store_id
  INNER JOIN catalog_category_product as category_ids
  ON items.product_id = category_ids.product_id

  items .created_at BETWEEN  '2014-04-15 00:00:00' AND '2014-07-30 00:00:00'
  AND orders.status = 'complete'

Note it does assume that attribute_id 72 is the description and attribute_id 98 is the url_key which is the case for the default attributes

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