Magento – Magento Redirection not Working


I have been trying to redirect certain CMS pages done earlier now to respective sub-categories but it seems no method is working. I have tried setting up redirects through URL Rewrites and when unsuccessful then using .htaccess file.

The website in question is while the redirects needs to be:

Redirect 301 /index.php/bluetooth-headsets /headsets/bluetooth-headsets

Same goes for about 5 more links like above. Basically, /index.php/bluetooth-headsets were CMS pages which were used earlier before the Categories and Sub-Categories were designed like they are now. But it seems that no way of redirection is working. I am currently on Magento 1.9.2.

Any help in this regard is highly appreciated. Thank you.

Best Answer

You can try to add some custom url redirects. I know you tried, but maybe you did it wrong.
You can create the rewrites like this:

Request path bluetooth-headsets
Target path headsets/bluetooth-headsets
Path Id: cms-page-bluetooth-headsets (this is not really important, but it has to be unique)
Redirect: RP

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