Magento – Magento Redirects to Old Website regardless of what changes are made!


We are having the strangest Redirection problem on a Magento site. We copied the sites contents from another Magento site to a new URL. We have done this in the past with no problems but for some reason this one redirects to the old website as soon as you try to load the page, any page.

Below are all the steps I have done so far in my quest to Debug this pain… = The Old site URL that we moved away from = The new site that we have copied Magento over to.

Steps done so far to try an resolve redirection issue:

  • Searched whole MySQL database (All tables) for the string and made sure there was none that could be causing the Redirection to happen.
  • Updated Database Table core_config_data columns web/unsecure/base_url and web/secure/base_url to the new sites URL
  • cleared any Cache files from /var/cache/ in the Magento Root
  • Checked Server's cache folders to make sure files weren't being cached there due to permission or other error.
  • Inspected .htaccess file to make sure it wasn't happening there
  • Inspected index.php file as well and printed out some content followed by an exit() call and progressively moved it down the page until the point that the Redirection occurs. It is the very last line where this is called Mage::run($mageRunCode, $mageRunType); once the page loads and gets to this line, I am immediately Redirected to our old website URL!

Any ideas?

Best Answer

Or the oldest one in the book, your file/directory permissions are out of whack causing Magento to write to the system /tmp folder which means config information is cached till you reboot the whole server or go delete the Magento cache out of the system /tmp folder.

Issue is described here Can't change Magento base URL, stuck in cache

Only including this because the server's cache folders doesn't necessarily translate into /tmp

Also, it isn't noted if this is a different domain on the same server, but local.xml needs a change of database credentials in addition to not naming the backup copy of local.xml something like backup-local.xml which would load it previous to your changed file (Magento loads all .xml files in app/etc)

Also, if this was a direct copy of all files, and the compiler was enabled, disable it and clear its code store.

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