Magento 1.9 – Search Filter Not Working


Magento Search filter not working at all, although filters on product by category works fine.
Magento ver.
On the search page
search filters are not working.
sort by is not working
show 6 product not working (it shows more then 6 product)


When i search of some product it send me to search page
and when i try to filter the search result on the basis of price, category or if i try to sort search result by price, nothing seems to be working..
it just show same number of product in search result.

Best Answer

I found the same problem when migrating to with a Templatemonster theme. Fixed it by editing my theme's catalogsearch.xml, around line 62:

<block type="page/html_pager" name="product_list_toolbar_pager" ##template="page/html/pager/pager.phtml"## />

and around line 112

<block type="page/html_pager" name="product_list_toolbar_pager" ##template="page/html/pager/pager.phtml"## />

just remove the code where I the ## and it worked fine for us.

Best luck,


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