Magento – Select Items from Cart Before Placing Order


I am trying to implement a module in Magento 1.9. And i want to enable the customer to select a specific items or all items from cart before place the order. For example customer add the item A, and item B in the cart. Then during checkout at first step he will decide for which items he want to place order

Option 1: Item A only. After place the order Item B will remain in cart

Option 2: Item B only. After place the order Item A will remain in cart

Option 3: Item A and B. After place the order cart will be empty.

Can you please let me know any idea how can i achieve the above explained functionality? Thank you very much.

Best Answer

Magento have the wish-list concept. You can use that for this functionality.

Initially you can use wish-list instead of cart and then at the time of place order you can give the selection to user which item they have to place order.

That item you can move in cart and checkout, rest will be there in wish-list.

If you don't want to show wish-list then you can rename it and use as a cart.

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