Magento – Magento showing Price Difference in configurable Products


I have a Magento website where I have set up many configurable products with the different price.

There configurable options drop-down shows its associated products with the price difference. While I want to show their exact price instead of their price-difference.

You can have a look at my website page "" and also see below image to understand my problem clearly-

I hope my problem is clear to all and please suggest me anyway to show their actual price.

Best Answer

shashank,You have set different additional price from admin which has been add or deducted from main price on basic of variance selection.This price is not calculated as product main price. Goto your admin>catalog>Manage Product select any configurable product and goes it Associated Product tab >here you can set additional price for variance wise. Which is show on product price.Shows when you have cart a configurable product.Using json code and javscript magento is set price with variance wise frontend UI

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