Magento – Magento sort by price: sort by final price instead of price


Magento sort by price: sort by final price instead of price:

I want to sort by price filter to sort by final price of product instead of just price. For product I have price 10 but special price is 100 , so when user sort product by price, sorting looks wrong.

Please help me to fix it.

Best Answer

The Background:

As @Shawn Abramson mentioned, this is not possible without an additional mechanism.

The sorting must be specified in the first query (Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Collection_Abstract:1045), as this is the result set that future queries add data to. I believe you need to always include a separate join to the price index table. This is unfortunate, as it is more records to search/load, reducing performance. That trade-off is up to you and your client.

The Mechanism:

$products = Mage::getResourceSingleton('catalog/product_collection');

    ['price_table' => Mage::getResourceSingleton('core/resource')->getTable('catalog/product_index_price')],
    'entity_id = entity_id',
    [ 'price', 'final_price' ],
        'customer_group_id' => 0,
        'website_id' => Mage::app()->getStore()->getWebsiteId()
$products->getSelect()->order('price_table.final_price DESC');

The Explanation:

The first four lines are whatever your standard collection filtering code is. Thereafter there are two functions:

  1. $products->joinTable(): this function joins the catalog/product_index_price table and retrieve the two columns for reference. Please Note: you need specify the customer_group_id and the website_id unless these placeholder values work for you.
  2. $products->getSelect()->order(): this function performs the order process.