Magento – Magento Tax Calculation BUG


I think I've found magento bug and I just want to know if I'm right here:

subtotal(without tax) € 35,72

discount – € 0,71

Shipping cost: € 6,00

Subtotal excldued tax € 41,05 (should be 41.01)

VAT 6.0% (6%) € 2,10

VAT 21.0% (21%) € 1,26

VAT TOTAL: € 3,36

GRAND TOTAL € 44,41 (should be 44.37)

41.05 had 4 cents added extra…
those 4 cents is the difference between tax value
2,14euro (before discount)
2,10euro (after discount).

Best Answer

I am not sure if this would help you somehow, but I think that you can calculate with these two files, or modify the functions:

Tax subtotals file calculation is done here:


public function collect(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address)

There you have round functions used:

Further magento takes these functions from this file:


Check these functions:

public function round($price)
        return Mage::app()->getStore()->roundPrice($price);

     * Round price up
     * @param   float $price
     * @return  float
    public function roundUp($price)
        return ceil($price * 100) / 100;

     * Round price down
     * @param   float $price
     * @return  float
    public function roundDown($price)
        return floor($price * 100) / 100;

I am not sure if this is the right answer, but hopefully this can get you somewhere. Because magento pricing is quite complex.

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