Magento 1.9 – Unsecure URLs Set to HTTPS, Can’t Access Admin and Front


I am using Magento version 1.9.1

I have installed ssl certificates and given the base secure url as I have also selected both the options : Use secure urls in frontend and Use Secure urls in admin.

But it didn't worked, so I've tried to set the unsecure urls to https and I've saved it.

Now I am not able to access into my admin page or My site ..

Before I reinstall magento and start from scratch, are there any other ideas that I should be trying?

Best Answer

Go to your database and the table core_config_data:

SELECT * FROM core_config_data where path like '%base_url%'

Change the values back to the old domain (without https).

Then flush the Magento cache.

Afterwards you should be able to access your store again.