Magento – Magento URL Redirect from One product to Another product


After reading about Magento URLs redirect, I thought it would be simple and straight forward. When its time for an action, I faced nothing but disappointment.

What do I need : I want to create a URL redirect from PRODUCT A to PRODUCT B, while PRODUCT A is disable.

The problem I am facing: When I click URL REWRITE and choose FOR PRODUCT, I get a list of products in my store. I choose PRODUCT A. Afterwards, it gives me an option of choosing a category; I CHOOSE TO SKIP IT. On next page, it give me the option to rewrite. The only thing I can enter on the page is REQUESTED PATH, when I enter the NEW URL in to the REQUESTED PATH field, I get an error saying Request Path for Specified Store already exists the error is keep popping up over and over again. Do you know what other way I can edit PRODUCT A so it REDIRECTS to PRODUCT B.

I have attach images for your reference.
Thanks for your help!

Clicked on URL Redirects

image 2
enter image description here
enter image description here

Best Answer

I think the easiest way would be to use a .htaccess rule. You can open the .htaccess file and enter in the following code at the bottom. After you've finished working on your product A just remove the lines from the .htaccess file and save. It's all instant and doesn't require any cache refreshes etc.

RewriteEngine on
Redirect 301 /product-a.html /product-b.html
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