Magento – magento url rewrite prevent -1 or -2


I have a category created which contains url key as – "sofa" and url generated is "sofa.html". URL rewrites system record generated as follows :

ID Path : category/5
Request path : sofa.html
Target Path : catalog/category/view/id/5

Now I want to run one of the custom module over that url(sofa.html) so I deleted system url rewrites and added custom url rewrites from the backend as follows :

ID path : alternate-sofa
Request path : sofa.html
Target path : alternate-sofa

So when I run sofa.html from the browser, I got the expected page from the custom module and it resolves the issue removing custom rewrites after reindexing, though after reindexing new system record added as follows :

ID path : category/5
Request path : sofa-1.html
Target path : catalog/category/view/id/5

Now, I am having issue as follows : On the page, I am listing out categories on left side which contains category url as "sofa-1.html" which is displaying my category layout instead of custom module. How to overcome this issue? I don't want to create sofa-1.html, sofa-2.html, onwards.

Edit :
I refereed and but when I set 301(permenant), url changed from "sofa.html" to "alternate-sofa" which is not expected url in the browser.

Best Answer

You cant simply prevent this, as there are cases, where it could make sense, like when you have products whith the same url key.

Additionally this is caused by a bug in magento, which has severel possible bugfixes, some of them described in Magento core_url_rewrite table excessively large