Magento – Magento using Postgres


I'm trying to use Postgres instead of the default MySQL setup. I understand that Magento 2 should support Postgres out of the box (once it is released). From the looks of it there is a layer of abstraction between the view and the data layer, using something like Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection. I'm more curious whether there is a current solution either Enterprise or Community 1.7+.

Heres an update I got from Alan at Magento; they'll most likely want to move forward with eventually supporting multiple RDBMS' but it'll most likely be through the support of the Doctrine ORM (or some other ORM). I don't think they'll release this by the GA of M2 though.

Best Answer

Support for anything other than MySQL is not planned as of now and based on my understanding it is not easy to support anything else right now. You would have to change at least all installation schema, some data types and more.

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