Magento – Using setCurPage for Reviews Pagination


I'm using the allreviews Magento extension so that I have a page with all reviews however I need to add pagination to this page.

The last bit I'm stuck with is essentially adding the limit to the query. I've read a number of threads that say to use setCurPage on the collection but this doesn't seem to affect the query at all?

When I try what should equal LIMIT 25, 25 and LIMIT 75,25 etc I still get the result from LIMIT 0, 25

Current query:

//$_GET['product'] = 1;    //product id
$numberOfReviews = 25;     //per page
$page = 3;                 //page

$_reviews = Mage::getModel('review/review')
                        ->addFieldToFilter('entity_pk_value', $_GET['product'])

What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

I believe addRateVotes() loads the collection, try setCurPage() before that call.

Once a collection has been loaded, no changes can be made to it without first clearing it.

    public function addRateVotes()
        foreach ($this->getItems() as $item) {
            $votesCollection = Mage::getModel('rating/rating_option_vote')

        return $this;
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