Magento 1.8 – One Page Checkout Not Loading Payment Information


Please, can someone assist me? I am having an issue with my one-page checkout on Magento CE v1.8.

I am testing the checkout process and noticed that after selecting a shipping method the system fails to move onto the next step which is "Payment Information". When I click on the continue button nothing happens and it remains on the shipping method tab.

I am new to Magento and still playing around with it so I wouldn't be surprised if it's a stupid setting or an overlooked issue because of my lack of experience with the system.

But I read somewhere that it may be a JS error or something from the template.

The link is and any assistance would be appreciated.

Best Answer

There is a problem with the markup in the payment section.
When the shipping method step is completed this js should be executed:

$('checkout-''-load').update(response.update_section.html); is payment-method

but $('checkout-payment-method-load') returns null because there is no element with that id in your DOM.
Make sure that this file in your theme checkout/onepage/payment/info.phtml has the following content:

<dl class="sp-methods" id="checkout-payment-method-load">
   <!-- Content dynamically loaded. Content from the methods.phtml is loaded during the ajax call -->