Magento – var/cache Directory is Empty


A few day ago I try to install and configure Redis and Varnish (by Turpentine) for my Magento site v.1.8 .

After this, I decide to rollback and I get my old (working) local.xml (which has the configuration for APC and Memcached) and decide to disable the two modules (Cm_RedisSession, Nexcessnet_Turpentine) enditing their xml file in /app/etc/modules with the tag false.

From this point over the var/cache dir is empty.

I try to delete the var/ dir to check permission rights, and what happen is that the var folder is created immediatelly with an empty cache folder inside.

How can I check the Magento cache behavior?
Maybe this is because the cache passes from APC or Memcached and exclude the var/cache dir (as I read here ).

This is my cache configuration in local.xml




Obviously before this changes my var/cache/ dir was populated regularly.


Best Answer

As you're not using a file based caching mechanism, Magento has no need to store files within the /var/cache/ folder - these are stored in Memcached and Database given you're configuration. If the solution previously gave you output in the /var/cache/ folder, then it's likely the configuration was cached from the previous set up.