Magento – Magento ver 1.8 – Unable to upload images


I am new to magento and I am facing a problem with Magento ver. Image import is working fine but when I try to upload image it don't work. My cache is disabled and media folders is 777. I have added front end and back end screenshots for you to have a look.

Any help will be really appreciated.


enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

@Ali, please check the following thinks before upload the image csv.

  1. You have to be sure that all your fields are filled in Excel or Open Office Calc
  2. Save the file as CSV.
  3. Open the file with a text editor.
  4. Go to File and after that - Save As. Your filename should end with “.csv
  5. Under Save as type select All files.
  6. Under Encoding you just have to select UTF-8 and save the file - Save the file.

And also can you see the following tips url

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