Magento – Magento ver. – Order Emails Are Not Sending


I noticed my email queue is stuck.

There are 2 tables in the database core_email_queue and core_email_recipients.

core_email_queue contains all the emails to be sent.
core_email_recipients contains who to send those emails to.

I am wondering how i can resolve this ? Also just 3 days before I was changing my host, and all my customers received order confirmation.

Please suggest, should i manually clear all dates from "core_email_queue" ?

Also can i also delete all cleared all data from core_email_recipients?

I'd be grateful if you can share your views or solution for my issue.

Thank you

Best Answer

Since Magento 1.9.1 the emails are not being sent directly during checkout but instead are being queued. The queue is being processed via your Magento cronjob, please ensure this has been set up and is running correctly.

Moreover The extension AOE_Scheduler can help you in confirming that your Magento cronjob has been configured correctly and is running.

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