Zend Framework – Magento/Zend_Db Order By Expression


Take this code for example:

$collection->getSelect()->order(array('status = 1 DESC', 'test ASC'));

Magento/Zend_Db turns this into the following:

ORDER BY `status = 1` DESC, `test` ASC

You can see this with Zend_Debug::dump($collection->getSelect()->__toString());

Notice that it wraps status = 1 with ` characters, as if it were escaping a field? This breaks the query. Is there any way to order by expression in Magento/Zend_Db?

Best Answer

I would think new Zend_Db_Expr would do what you need.

$collection->getSelect()->order(array(new Zend_Db_Expr('status = 1 DESC'), 'test ASC'))
