Magento – Magento2.3.3 Payflow Pro CC method not working, clicking on place order button loader keeps spinning but order doesn’t place


I am using magento 2.3.3 and I have enabled default magento Payflow Pro with Express checkout payment method. I have configured all required paypal merchant account details in admin area within payment method settings.

Now, if I try to place order with Express checkout method then it works fine. However, when I try to place order with credit card method then first paypal authorization request fired successfully with 0 amount. But then nothing happens and loader keeps spinning. I have also enabled debug mode and check logs in all log files but nothing relevant error information found.

This is default magento and I believe that there is no problem with paypal merchant account details configured at admin side otherwise Express method won't work. I have also found this issue created by someone on github magento2 repo at However, no one had provided any exact solution over there as well.

Does anybody faced this issue in any project? Please help me as I am trying to resolve it since last few days.

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

After lot of googling, I have also got multiple findings which can be the solution and might help someone looking for the same issue. Here I am listing all those one by one:

1) You need to configure Return URL Method in your account: Service Settings -> Hosted Checkout Pages -> Set Up -> Payment Confirmation section.

2) Go to your,

i) Then go at "Home --> Service Summary --> Hosted Checkout Pages -->Set up" and set Cancel URL Method to POST;

ii) Return URL Method: POST;

iii) Enable Secure Token: Yes;

This will capture the real amount after authorize the amount 0, this action works immediately.

3) Go to "Paypal Manager --> Account Administration --> Transaction Settings" and set Allow reference transactions to Yes. This action will take effect in an hour.

Hope this might be useful to others.

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