Magento – Magento2.3 installation issue on wamp Winodws 10


I am asking this question after several attempt to install magento2.3 on windows10 WAMP. Every time the installation stops and shows error at zero percent or at 70 percent or in between. Lot of people advised to try it on Ubuntu but that is not possible because our company using Windows10 as OS and not permitted to use Ubuntu.

The steps/configuration that i follows for Magento 2.3 installation on WAMP

  1. Wamp Version 3.1.7
  2. PHP 7.1.26
  3. Apache 2.4.23
  4. Enabled Open SSL
  5. Set max_execution_time = 18000
  6. Set memory_limit = 2G
  7. max_input_time = 1800
  8. Enabled Exception printing
  9. Set Full permission to magento folder/files (777)
  10. Then setup virtual host in The Directory "D"

Virtual Host Settings

<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "D:/Projects/mage230ce"
ErrorLog "logs/"
CustomLog "logs/" common

<Directory "D:/Projects/mage230ce">

    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride All
    Require all granted


Then runs the url now stops at 0 percent Installing… 0% Please check the below image

enter image description here


main.ERROR: Error: Application is not installed yet.  [] []


 main.ERROR: Error: Application is not installed yet.  [] []


Starting Magento installation:
File permissions check…
[Progress: 1 / 773]
Required extensions check…
[Progress: 2 / 773]
Enabling Maintenance Mode…
[Progress: 3 / 773]
Installing deployment configuration…
[Progress: 4 / 773]
Installing database schema:
Schema creation/updates:

Please check the above issue and guide me..

Best Answer

And all my efforts towards installing magento2.3 from browser becomes failed and installed magento2.3 using composer. Please check for more details

Please note that, Since our OS is windows, Windows uses "\" as separator so we need to edit core file:


Search for $realPath and replace it with $realPath = str_replace('\', '/', $this->fileDriver->getRealPath($path));

Hope this helps

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