Magento2 Add JS from Admin CMS Page Design Layout Update XML


I did added JS file from design layout update from Admin CMS page- > Design
layout update XML , but it showing jQuery is not defined error, When I view source , these files are being added before the requireJS file.

How to add JS from Admin->Content->Pages ->Open CMS page -> Design ->"layout update XML" ?

 <script src="js/pi.googleMapStyles.js" order="100"/>
<script src="" src_type="url" order="101"/>
<script src="js/jquery.gmap.min.js" order="102"/>
<script src="js/" order="103"/><script src="js/" order="104"/>


Best Answer

You must quit what you have done so far in the XML layout.

You need requirejs-config.js in this path app/design/frontend/VendorName/Theme/ with bellow content:

var config = {
    map: {
        '*': {
            custom_js: 'VendorName_Theme/js/js_file_name'
    shim: {
        custom_js: {
            deps: ['jquery']


You need requirejs-config.js in this path /app/design/frontend/VendorName/Theme/web/js/ with bellow content:

var config = {
    map: {
        '*': {
            custom_js: 'VendorName_ModuleName/js/js_file_name'

In a template you can call it:

    ], function ($, script) {
        //Your code here


In a template you can call it:

    ], function ($, script) {
        //Your code here

You can add for any CMS Pages (from admin) a template file in Layout Update XML

<referenceContainer name="before.body.end">
    <block class="Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template" name="test" template="Magento_Theme::test.phtml"/>

You can add for a test in test.phtml file from Magento_Theme in your current theme:

  ], function ($, script) {
    //Your code here
    alert('js_file_name - test');

You can add for a test in js_file_name.js file from Magento_Theme in your current theme:


After seeing your test work, you can change how you want it.