Magento 2.2 – How to Change Luma Header Template


We want to edit the Magento2 Luma header template, this so we can change the sort inside

<div class="header content">

We want to place the block search before the minicart for example and place the logo block inside a new <div>

Where can we find the right template files for this?

So to change this:

enter image description here

Into this:

enter image description here

Best Answer

create default.xml under app/design/frontend/PackageName/themeName/Magento_Theme/layout directory

  <move element="" destination="header-wrapper" before="minicart"/>
         <referenceContainer name="header-wrapper">
             <container name="custom-block-container" htmlTag="div" htmlClass="custom.block.container" >
         <move element="logo" destination="custom-block-container" after="-"/>

Let me know if works. It is working into Luma theme my side.