Magento 2 – Child Theme CSS Location


i am struggling to find the information i want regarding the location and method by which magento2 child themes inherit the custom css stylesheet. From my limited understanding of inheritance in magento2 i believe the child theme's custom.css location should mirror that of the parents theme. But will this replace the parent theme css or simply add the child theme's css at a higher priority?

Best Answer

You can add your css custom code in _theme.less
location file app/design/frontend/Vendor/theme/web/css/source/_theme.less

Example you extend blank theme
Add your css add last in head tag of file default_head_blocks.xml

<page xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd">
    // Original load
    <css src="css/styles-m.css"/>
    <css src="css/styles-l.css" media="screen and (min-width: 768px)"/>
    <css src="css/print.css" media="print"/>

    <!-- Add your own CSS files here -->
    <css src="css/dropkick.css" />
    <css src="css/your-styles.css" />

Add custom css in scope Magento_Module app/design/frontend/Vendor/yourthemename/Magento_Catalog/web/css/source/_extend.less

& when (@media-common = true) {
  \\ Extend catalog module styles 
  \\ Use your css code here
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