Magento 2 – Contact Us CMS Block Not Showing Up


I'm working on a Magento 2 template, based on Luma and I've run into an issue with the Contact Us page.

The content of the CMS block (contact-us-info) isn't showing up in my template. All I get is the contactform on the right side of the page. See the partial screenshot:

Contact page without content, custom template

When I activated the Luma template to check, lo and behold, there it was, neatly above the contact form…

Contact page with content, Luma template

Can anybody shed some light on the issue? It's probably something very small and stupid…

Best Answer

Okay, never mind. As expected, it was a very small thing which I should have known... The block is called by a widget, which, in turn, is linked to the template. Duh! Sorry to bother you guys!

I feel really stupid now...