Magento – magento2: Creating custom Rest API POST method


I know how to create APIs with GET method, wondering how to create custom REST API with POST Method ??..

I have spend enough time into core module but didn't get anything from there(May be I am not understanding) so is there anybody who have some Idea about this..

How can we pass & get the confidential data from POST method in REST API ??

Best Answer

Do this tutorial and you will see -

Specifically follow closely where the array of float is passed through in the body of the HTTP request.


<!-- Example: curl -->
<route url="/V1/calculator/add/:num1/:num2" method="GET">
    <service class="AlanKent\CalculatorWebService\Api\CalculatorInterface" method="add"/>
        <resource ref="anonymous"/>

<!-- Example: curl -d '{"nums":[1.1,2.2,3.3]}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -->
<route url="/V1/calculator/sum" method="POST">
    <service class="AlanKent\CalculatorWebService\Api\CalculatorInterface" method="sum"/>
        <resource ref="anonymous"/>
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