Magento – Magento2 Data migration getting stuck at Step Customer Attribute


We are trying to migrate Magento to Magento 2.0.4 EE. We have added the missing tables and columns in M2 Database and then started running the below command.

php bin/magento migrate:data vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/etc/ce-to-ee/

[2016-04-13 13:30:05][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step:
EAV Step]: started [2016-04-13 13:30:05][INFO][mode: data][stage:
integrity check][step: Customer Attributes Step]: started [2016-04-13
13:30:05][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Map Step]:
started [2016-04-13 13:30:05][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity
check][step: Url Rewrite Step]: started [2016-04-13
13:30:05][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Log Step]:
started [2016-04-13 13:30:05][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity
check][step: Ratings Step]: started [2016-04-13 13:30:05][INFO][mode:
data][stage: integrity check][step: ConfigurablePrices step]: started
[2016-04-13 13:30:05][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step:
OrderGrids Step]: started [2016-04-13 13:30:05][INFO][mode:
data][stage: integrity check][step: Tier Price Step]: started
[2016-04-13 13:30:05][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step:
SalesIncrement Step]: started [2016-04-13 13:30:05][INFO][mode:
data][stage: setup triggers][step: Stage]: started [2016-04-13
13:30:05][INFO][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: EAV Step]:
started [2016-04-13 13:30:05][INFO][mode: data][stage: volume
check][step: EAV Step]: started [2016-04-13 13:30:05][INFO][mode:
data][stage: data migration][step: Customer Attributes Step]: started
0% [>—————————] Remaining Time:

Please anyone can help.

Best Answer

Try disabling the customer hash in the config.xml file.

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