Magento 2 Multistore – How to Use Different Templates


On magento1, I could achieve this by

1, I had my theme folder "mydesign" under frontend/default

2, Another store's folder was also added under frontend/default as "mydesign-en"

3, "mydesign-en" had a template folder under it and there I could have different template files than main store.

4, I applied on the backend configuration under design section "theme setting", for default and skin "mydesign" and for template "mydesign-en".

However, I see the design configuration is different on the backend of Magento2.

At the moment I have mytheme/mydesign under app/design/frontend.
Do I have to create another child theme as mytheme/mydesign-en to achieve this?

Best Answer

Yes, you should create a new theme under app/design/frontend/mytheme. Its parent is your current custom theme. For example:

  • You create Theme A1 for store A

  • And then create Theme B1 for store B. Its parent theme is Theme A1.

Now, in Theme B1, you can create the new layout and style for catalog product page on store B:


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