Magento 2 Installation – Errors Installing Sample Data: Class Not Found


I am trying to install Magento2 version 1.0.0-beta.

I followed instructions about installing sample data from:

I enabled sample data before installing Magento and at the end of installation, I got the following error:

Error during sample data installation:
Source class "\Magento\SampleData\Model" for "Magento\SampleData\Model\Logger" generation does not exist

I then tried installing sample data after installing Magento.
I am getting the following error while installing sample data after installing Magento:

There are no commands defined in the "sampledata" namespace.

Best Answer

Did you download version 1.0.0-beta from the releases page (or master branch), or off of the current develop branch?

My understanding is that the develop branch is not stable/sample data won't work, but it should be fine if you're using the official beta1 release. You can find that here:

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