Magento – Magento2 : How to change sort by option position in sorting options


Native Magento give 3 options position, name, price for sort by option. I added one custom product attribute for sorting option. I want to display it on first position but it is displaying on last position.

How can I change position of custom added attribute and it will display on first sort by option.


Best Answer

Yes , Native Three Option position, name, price comes and by default Sort by position is selected

enter image description here

Added Size 4th criteria to sort

enter image description here

Suppose you want to make Short by Size by default

Go to below path and uncheck the USE SYSTEM VALUE then select your value

Admin > Stores > Configuration > Catalog > Catalog > Store Front > Product Listing Sort by > size

enter image description here

enter image description here

If you added custom value that should be here in drop down list and then you can select that for default shorting via admin

I hope this will help you out, Tested on default LUMA Theme


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