Magento – Magento2 : How to change the footer background color in luma-theme


I am working on magento-2 version with Luma theme.

I would like to change the footer background color from #f4f4f4 to my desired color.

I found the path is

line 616

I found the property here that
.page-footer default background is #f4f4f4.

at line 616:

.page-footer { i added the new background color }

But this did not work. am I in the right area?

How do I change the color?

Best Answer

I made changes in _variables.less file i.e (/app/design/frontend/web/css/source/_variables.less)

@footer__background-color: #ff0000; (RED)

Please try below command:

php bin/magento clear:cache
php bin/magento cache:flush
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

I hope your changes will be reflect.

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