Magento – Magento2: how to get guest informations in checkout


Please, how to get guest informations like email, address, phone … in checkout?

Best Answer

This is the solution, you can get guest and customer informations in checkout , inject Magento_Checkout/js/model/quote on your view method.

    function ($,Component,quote,placeOrderAction) {
        'use strict';

        return Component.extend({

            defaults: {
                template: 'Path/to/your/template'

            getEmail: function () {
                if(quote.guestEmail) return quote.guestEmail;
                else return;

            getLastName: function () {
                return quote.billingAddress().lastname;

            getFirstName: function () {
                return quote.billingAddress().firstname;

            getAddress: function () {
                return quote.billingAddress().street[0]+", "+quote.billingAddress().postcode+" "+quote.billingAddress().city+", Maroc";

            getPhone: function () {
                return quote.billingAddress().telephone;
