Magento – Magento2 import error –


We are receiving an error when trying to import our product catalog via CSV.

General system exception happened
Additional data: Wrong request parameters

We also get the same error when trying to import the sample file generated by the import page (catalog_product.csv)

Our magento version is 2.0.2

Edit: Upgraded to 2.0.4 this morning – still receiving the same error.
The strange thing is that validation seems to work, but we receive the "General system exception happened
Additional data: Wrong request parameters" on any file that passes validation, including the default sample file generated by the import page. It seems like this may be some server setting interfering with request inputs, however, double checking the requirements everything seems to be in order.

Best Answer

Wrong request parameters is thrown by google optimiser extension (Magento\GoogleOptimizer\Observer::_initRequestParams()). It seems M2 has new A/B testing and when 'Enable Content Experiments' is enabled then system throws "Wrong request parameters" as it can not find 'google_experiment' parameter.

Solution is to disable Content Experiments in Store => Configuraiton => Sales => Google Api