Magento – Magento2: magnifier not working for product image on product details page


I've added below code in view.xml file in my custom theme:

<var name="magnifier">
            <var name="fullscreenzoom">2</var>  <!-- Zoom for fullscreen (integer)-->
            <var name="top">0</var> <!-- Top position of magnifier -->
            <var name="left">0</var> <!-- Left position of magnifier -->
            <var name="width">300</var> <!-- Width of magnifier block -->
            <var name="height">300</var> <!-- Height of magnifier block -->
            <var name="eventType">hover</var> <!-- Action that atcivates zoom (hover/click) -->
            <var name="enabled">true</var> <!-- Turn on/off magnifier (true/false) -->

But the magnifier doesn't work. It's showing overlay image after hovering over product image but it's not zooming the image.

Any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

Very silly mistake. You just need to keep top and left values blank as below:

<var name="top"></var> <!-- Top position of magnifier -->
<var name="left"></var> <!-- Left position of magnifier -->