Magento 2 Layout – How to Move Footer-Container to Root


I am developing a new Magento 2 theme based on Magento Blank parent.
I am trying to move the footer-container outside the page-wrapper container. To do so I inserted in my app/design/frontend/custom/theme/Magento_Theme/layout/default.xml
the following instruction:

<move element="footer" destination="root" after="-" />

The footer content is correctly moved outside the page-wrapper container but it is not wrapped anymore in the footer tag. What I get is:

<div class="page-wrapper">...</div>
<div class="footer content">...</div>

What I expected was

<div class="page-wrapper">...</div>
<footer class="page-footer">
    <div class="footer content">...</div>

What should I do to keep the footer tag? Should I redeclare a new container with htmlTag="footer" in my default.xml and move the footer element inside it?

Best Answer

You need to reference the container by its name not its alias. The footer element you're looking for is declared in Magento/Theme/view/frontend/page_layout/1column.xml and has a name of footer-container. Changing your layout XML to the following should fix the issue:

<move element="footer-container" destination="root" after="-" />

Right now what you're doing is moving the child element with the name footer outside of footer-container. Since the footer-container no longer has any children the <footer> doesn't get rendered and you only see the child element you moved.