Magento – Magento2-Product PNG Image is resizing as Transparent due to which it’s showing as blank on Product/Category/Product Admin Grid Page

image resizingmagento2.2.4product-images

PNG product image is not showing on the front end.

When i checked for the reason then found this format is resizing but always resized a blank image due to which it's not showing(as we know that to show the product images only thumbnail image used) on category and product pages.

Even it's not showing on admin product grid section.

While JPG format is working fine.

LibPNG version is " 1.5.13" and server OS is Centos.

We're using Magento 2.2.4 version.

Note:- During R&D someone suggest to downgrade/upgrade libPNG version but due to some server end problem it's not upgrading/downgrading.

while on fresh M2.2.4 setup it's working fine on same server.

I'm using porto theme.also tried the same by changing the theme from the backend but no luck.

enter image description here

It's urgent so please help me to resolve the issue.

enter image description here

Best Answer

For me there was some problem in "pub/media/catalog/product" directory,actually we were imported product with images from other site(dot net) during that may be some problem raised.

So i have replaced this directory with fresh one and it works for me.

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