Magento 2 Redirect – How to Redirect to Cart Page from Checkout Page After Place Order


I added products to cart. Then did proceed to checkout. I have tried Cash on Delivery and Check / Money Order as Payment method. Everything is fine until the order review section. And then when I click the Place Order button then it gets redirected to Shopping Cart page instead of going to Order Success page. The cart items are still there.
How to solve it ?

Best Answer

Problem :"Asymmetric transaction rollback."

Solution :

1. Clear your cache by manually deleting the content of /var/cache/ folder , the var/page-cache/ folder and

= Magento 2.2.0 -> /generated/ folder < Magento 2.2.0 -> /var/generation/* folder

2. reindex your website by using the SSH command php bin/magento indexer:reindex

3. Make sure your website is in developer mode or in production mode and not in default mode'. You can check it by using the commandphp bin/magento deploy:mode:show. If it is indefault modeyou can change it toproduction or developer modeby using the commandphp bin/magento deploy:mode:set developerorphp bin/magento deploy:mode:set production`.

Before you use these commands clear your var/view_preprocessed folder and your pub/static folder also (afterwhich you need to recompile your pub/static folder with the command php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

Also be sure all your permissions of the folders are set like how Magento wants it more information on that here = Permissions