Magento 2 Cart – Safely Disable Add-To-Cart Buttons


EDIT: This post apply to Magento 2.x

I would like to remove all add-to-cart button instances from my website.
I know I could do it from various way (removing that block with xml, removing from phtml…), while this is not an issue for me, I would like to know if there is a really safe way to do it in case I would have forgot to remove it from some place or the other. I want to completely remove the checkout and cart feature but wishlist and compare must stay.

Some specs:

  1. Compare and wishlists are still enabled
  2. Prices are listed

Best Answer

You can do this by just changing the settings of the products.

For instance, set up a product to not be "saleable", or to have no stock and disable "out of stock" messages site-wide. Then configure the inventory module to still show products out of stock in their categories.

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