Magento2 SOAP API – Not Authorized Issue


I tried to call SOAP API of Magento 2 but I could not call successfully.

Here is my source code:


$token = "olourdje47c5c5g66md4gfceyslo9y1p";
$opts = ['http' => ['header' => "Authorization: Bearer " . $token]];
$context = stream_context_create($opts);

$wsdlUrl = "";
$serviceArgs = array("customerId" => 1);

$soapClient = new \Zend\Soap\Client($wsdlUrl);
$soapResponse = $soapClient->customerCustomerRepositoryV1GetById($serviceArgs);

The error message shown on browser is:

Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [env:Sender] Consumer is
not authorized to access %resources in
Stack trace: #0
SoapClient->__soapCall('customerCustome…', Array, NULL, NULL, Array)

1 /vagrant/data/magento2/test_api.php(28): Zend\Soap\Client->__call('customerCustome…', Array) #2

Zend\Soap\Client->customerCustomerRepositoryV1GetById(Array) #3 {main}
thrown in
on line 1118

The token in the source code was the access token of the integration with all resource I created on Magento back-end. The integration was active.

I could call the SOAP API without resource need successfully. For example, the Get function in the catalogProductRepositoryV1 service.

I wonder if there are any missing procedures I have to complete first for using SOAP API with resource need.

I will thank you so much for any helps.

Best Answer

I found the root cause. I did not miss any procedures for the API configuration.

The problem is I am using the VM provided by Magento for running the Magento2. The function apache_request_headers does not work in the VM environment so that the php cannot get "Authorization" in the header of the HTTP request.

I spent a whole afternoon for debugging.

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