Magento 2 Solution Specialist Exam – Passing Score and Study Material


I Just come to know that Magento announces first certification exam in Magento2 version.

After reading in this page

I have some question about the exam.

What is the number of question asked in an exam (I think 150 But need to confirm)?

What is the passing score for this exam?

what is study material useful for this exam?

and last, except Free study Guide any other study material available for this exam.

Are there any passing criteria for EE edition just like we have in M1 Developer Plus Exam ?

Best Answer

you can get study course at Offical Magento Site

total Question will be 60, breakdown as below:

  • Ecommerce – 08 Questions
  • Magento Architecture – 13 Questions
  • Magento Admin and StoreFront – 18 Questions
  • Business and Applications– 08 Questions
  • Catalog – 13 Questions

Pass Percentage = 67 or above

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