Magento – Magento2 tier price on configurable products


I have an configurable product for example T-Shirts in size small, medium and large. And all have same price and we have tier price like:
Buy 10 for 5.50 and save 10%
Buy 20 for 5.00 and save 20%

Now a customer buys 5 medium T-Shirts and 10 large. So he has total 15 articles of this T-Shirt. Default Magento is now only take tier price of 10 large T-Shirts, but not for 5 medium T-Shirts.

Is there any way – maybe an extension (did not found one yet) – to add also tier price for 5 medium T-Shirts?


Best Answer

This is exactly what our extension tier price for configurable products (M2) does. It updates the tier price calculation as you described and has the following additional features:

  • tier price calculation across multiple variations
  • updated calculation can be disabled for each configurable product
  • updated calculation can be disabled for each category
  • [new] tier price calculation type can be configured:
    • use the highest tier price
    • use the lowest tier price
    • use the tier price of the respective product

You can find some screenshots on our docs page.

Mind that the extension only works for Magento >= 2.2 since some serious configurable product bugs have been fixed in this version.

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