Magento – Magento2: “Use Default Value” for description. How to uncheck


"Use Default Value" in standard is selected for all stores view.

In products –> Catalog I can switch store view example from default store view to English and then edit product and then in description uncheck "Use Default Value".

In single product I can switch store view:
enter image description here

and then uncheck:
enter image description here

But for above 11k products take more time. Any one know how to uncheck for all products description in one time?


I will checked in database catalog_product_entity and then try edit sample product.

After this I see only value:
enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

I would suggest a DB-query for this.

Delete the values in catalog_product_entity_XXX for the given attribute and store-id.

XXX stands for the data-type of your attribute.